Monday, 25 April 2016

GSoC Acceptance

I've have been more than delighted that I have been accepted to GSoC! My excitement knew no bounds when I got the email.

This is my very first post and my very first blog actually. Cranking out even short texts out of my fingers has always been a challenge for me, but I'll try nonetheless, hopefully on a weekly basis.

My task will be to build the engine for Dungeon Master so that players can... well play with it again. I'm really glad that ScummVM now includes rpgs, as otherwise I could now have found a project with ScummVM to my liking. According to my schedule I'm am to start working on the project this week already, we'll see how that unfolds. Hopefully my studies won't interfere much and my next blog post here will be of the progress I've made with the engine.

That concludes my very first blog post.